Wednesday, March 28, 2018

CROSS – He Bore Our Sins

Once, it is said, a Scottish preacher of the modern school closed a sermon with these words:

"Virtue is so attractive that if she was to become incarnate & walk the world in human form, men would fall down & worship her."

The pulpit of that church was occupied the same evening by a different type of preacher, a humble evangelical man, and at the close of his discourse reminded the congregation of the statement made in the morning by the senior preacher & then added:

"I am very sorry to say that Virtue did once walk the world in human form, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and men, instead of falling down & worshiping Him, nailed Him to a cross."

- Heart and Life Magazine. (

2 Cor 5:21 (TLB): “For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us!”

“We do not know the value of Christ, if we will not cleave to Him unto death!” -  Robert Murray McCheyne.

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