Thursday, March 29, 2018

CROSS – God’s Love Towards Us

During the holiday season, when you were purchasing gifts, how often did you hear someone say: "Be sure to take off the price mark."

Certainly you did not care to have the price paid for the article left visible. It was proper to erase it.

The believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is not his own. He was bought with a price. The price paid was the blood of Christ.

There is no way to "take off" or erase the price paid by Him for His purchased possession. The blood-bought are blood-marked. The mark of the purchase price is on you & me to remain.

- The Wonderful Word. (

1 Cor 6:19-20 (ERV): “You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit that you received from God and that lives in you. You don’t own yourselves.  God paid a very high price to make you his. So honor God with your body.”

“By the cross we know the gravity of sin and the greatness of God's love towards us.” -  John Chrysostom.

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