Monday, April 2, 2018


A story is told about a not-too-honest judge who was trying a case involving two railroads. When he received the briefs from the two lawyers, they both contained bribes.

The first lawyer had sent a check for $10,000. The second lawyer’s check was for $15,000. The judge looked at the two checks, thought a moment, and then called his secretary.

“Make out a check for $5,000 and send it to the second lawyer,” he said. “We’re going to decide this case on its own merits.”

Source: ‘WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING’ - Pastor Steven J. Cole. (

Pro 13:11 (ERV): “Money gained by cheating others will soon be gone. Money earned through hard work will grow and grow.”

“Cheaters never win and winners never cheat.” – Andrew Keane.

“He that's cheated twice by the same man is an accomplice with the cheater.” -  Thomas Fuller.

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