Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Jesus answered them, “How right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you! You are hypocrites, just as he wrote: ‘These people, says God, honor me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me. (Mark 7:6 GNT)

“It is not the being seen of men that is wrong, but doing these things for the purpose of being seen of men. The problem with the hypocrite is his motivation. He does not want to be holy; he only wants to seem to be holy. He is more concerned with his reputation for righteousness than about actually becoming righteous. The approval of men matters more to him than the approval of God.” -  Augustine.

“Those that boast most of the religion may be suspected of partiality and hypocrisy in it.” -  Matthew Henry.

“A Pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.” - A.W. Tozer.

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