Thursday, March 10, 2016


As children, we often fail to understand that when we hurt our brothers & sisters we also hurt our parents. 
Conversely, brothers & sisters who encourage & support each other in spite of petty differences are a pleasure to witness & bring great credit to their parents.

As Christians, we may not always see eye to eye with everyone in our church as well as have differences of opinion with Christians in other denominations. But that does not change the fact we are all brothers & sisters in Christ. 

Do we please our Heavenly Father (who feels the hurt of His every son & daughter) when we openly criticize other Christians?  

What message does it send to the world when we attack another member of our Christian family? 

We are Christ’s ambassadors.  Squabbling among ourselves grieves God & brings no credit to Him.  Those who witness a family fighting in public are always glad as they are not part of that family.

As Christians, maybe we should practice what the Bible preaches: "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." (Eph 4:30-32)

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