Thursday, March 24, 2016


John 19:30 (NLT):  When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Professor Beare of the Presbyterian College, Montreal, points out that the last word of our Lord on the cross, ‘tetelestai’ ("it is finished"), is properly so translated in John 19:30, yet that this word ‘tetelestai’ is found repeatedly in tax receipts in the sense of ‘paid.’

"The word ‘tetelestai,’ on a papyrus tax receipt, is the exact equivalent of an English rubber stamp, `Received Payment.' I wonder if the men of those days would not be apt to take the word on the lips of Jesus also as meaning `It is paid,' the account is settled, the debt is wiped out, the Redeemer of mankind has paid the price of redemption."

-Sunday School Times (

“For God to forgive sinners without the full penalty being paid would contradict His justice & make Him our partner in evil. Christ fully paid that penalty for our sins - but the pardon must be willingly & gladly received. God will not force anyone into heaven.” - Dave Hunt.

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